The shooting of Rajinikanth’s forthcoming film, Kuselan, started on March 18, 2008 at the Ramoji Rao Film City in Hyderabad. Kuselan stars Rajinikanth, Pasupathy, Nayantara, Prabhu and Meena in the lead roles and is directed by P. Vasu. The film, a remake of the Malayalam superhit Katha Parayumbol, is jointly produced by K. Balachander's Kavithalaya Productions and Seven Arts Films which produced the original.
Kuselan is an emotional rollercoaster on the friendship between a poor barber and a superstar. Rajinikanth plays the superstar while Pasupathy plays the barber. Meena plays the wife of the barber while Nayantara appears as an actress paired with Rajinikanth for a film. It is learnt that Prabhu was roped in to reprise the role played by Mukesh in the original. However, director P. Vasu has modified it from a tutorial college professor to an inspector in charge of providing security for the superstar.
The first schedule of the film is now being shot in Hyderabad and will come to a close on April 4. Later, the unit will travel to a picturesque village near Pollachi to shoot the village scenes including the climax sequence. Director P. Vasu is said to have modified the script to suit Rajni fans. Apart from increasing the screen time for the superstar, Vasu has also plans to shoot a fight and 5 songs, three more than the original. The film is expected to release by July/ August.
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